Ultravap® Levante

SKU: 500226

Blowdown Evaporator fully robot compatible, Ultravap® Levante (110/230V)

(Needle head not included)

  • Reproducible evaporation: advanced head technology for consistent gas into each well, vial or tube
  • Clean concentration: system built to eliminate risk of cross-contamination.
  • Ideal for sensitive samples: bulk of sample remains at ambient, only the surface is heated.
  • Intuitive Design: Slim and compact
  • Choice of 12, 24, 48, 96 and 384 needle heads
  • Compatible with ANSI/SLAS standard microplate or tube/vial holder formats
  • 3 programmable steps per method
  • 5 dry down method storage
  • Max temperature 80 °C
  • Max flow rate 90 L/min
  • Ability to pause dry down
  • Eco mode

The Ultravap® Levante, an ideal starter evaporator for efficient concentration of samples, is one of the latest state of-the-art evaporators from Porvair Sciences. It offers greater control and flexibility for sample preparation workflows. This standalone instrument is designed to consistently and reproducibly evaporate solvents from samples. Precisely engineered to ANSI/SLAS standards, the Ultravap® Levante is designed to securely fit all microplate formats and tube/vials racks up to 45 mm in height. The Ultravap® Levante can be operated from a gas cylinder or in-house supply of nitrogen or clean dry air.

Flexible Programming

The Ultravap® Levante has the capability to program and store 5 different methods. Allowing the user defined setups for different solvents or volumes. The methods can be programmed to precisely move the sample carrier up and down at an appropriate rate, in 0.1 mm increments, ensuring the needles effectively direct gas onto the solvent as it evaporates. This movement can be programmed with 3 distinct gradients. This allows for faster initial drying at the start, followed by slower gradients towards the end. Additionally, the gas temperature and flow rate can be programmed into the methods to allow for further flexibility.

Smart Safety

The Ultravap® Levante has been designed to protect you and your robot from harm, while looking after your samples. The sample carrier has sensitive micro switches to detect obstacles or obstructions. If triggered, this safety system automatically stops the Levante and prompts the user to clear the obstruction before re-setting the sample carrier.

Automation Friendly

The Ultravap® Levante is equipped with an RS232 connection and a remote command set. Allowing it to be connected to and operated from a robot liquid handling station. For budget-conscious laboratories considering future automation of dry down, the Ultravap® Levante is a suitable option.

Method Security

The ability to modify stored methods is controlled by a password-protected Administrative User level in the Levante software. This ensures that unauthorised users are unable to make changes to stored protocols. Non-administrative users can only view and run stored methods approved by the Administrator.

Ultravap Levante Bullet Points

Instrument Type




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    Ultravap® Levante
    Product code: 500226

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