Porvair Sciences’ cutting-edge Ultraseal range for superior laboratory sealing solutions

Many applications in analytical and life science laboratories need to ensure samples are kept in a protected environment while they are processed, stored or incubated. This might mean preventing solvent evaporation, absorption of moisture or contaminants from the atmosphere, or being affected by oxygen.
When high throughput labs use multiwell plates, sealing is most commonly performed with a heat or adhesive seal. Adhesive seals can be applied manually using a roller or soft scraper, but heat seals need some form of applicator. There are many different types of heat seal available (many from Porvair Sciences) that offer different behaviours to meet the needs of the application. Permanent or peelable, robust or pierceable, clear, optically clear for qPCR or even breathable, but they all need a method of evenly applying heat across the film to ensure a robust and uniform seal.
Choosing the right instrument used for a lab depends on a number of criteria, the main ones being the availability of compressed air, the number and frequency of plates to be sealed and whether they are to be integrated into a laboratory robotics system.
Porvair Sciences are experts in plate sealing and can match your requirements to an instrument. From a semi-automated system with settable time and temperature that uses individual film sheets, to a fully automatable system that uses a roll of film. All the systems can accommodate thin assay and PCR plates, to deep well storage plates without the use of adaptors or changing carriers.
If your application demands samples are sealed in a specific atmosphere, purge options are available. If you need to automate, but do not need the capacity of a roll to seal 5000 plates, the unique frame sealer UltrasealTM ePRO-MINI. If high through put is needed, the UltrasealTM PRO can seal up to 6 plates per minute.
If you prefer adhesive seals, but still require automation, the UltrasealTM COLD-PRO is an automatable roll fed instrument that can separate the adhesive film from its backing and apply it to up to 3 plates a minute.
Our range of sealers provide a wide range of capability and functionality to meet the needs of any lab needing to protect its samples.